Privacy & Legal

Privacy Policy

Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC respects your privacy. Detailed below is how we handle information we learn about you when you visit our website.

When you visit this website to view content or download information, we may collect statistical data about your visit, such as date and time of access, the name of the domain from which you access the Internet, referral links followed to the Site, and browser type. This information enables us to run site usage reports and gather statistical information to measure the number of visitors and their use of the website to help make the website more useful to our Users.

We also collect nonpublic, personal information about you that is provided to us by you or obtained with your authorization. The information collected might include your name, company name, title, email address, phone number, fax number, financial information, etc. Any personal information collected will be used solely for the purpose(s) for which it was collected, unless you indicate otherwise. The personal information you provide to us will not be sold, and your personal information will only be shared with third parties or outside vendors for which we have contracted to provide services.

Legal Disclaimer

The information contained on this website is provided by Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC and is intended for general informational purposes. This website does not create, establish, or implicate a client, professional, fiduciary, accounting, legal or consulting relationship. Furthermore, the information presented on this website is not intended to constitute accounting, tax, legal, consulting, or other professional advice or services. As such, Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC does not intend for the information contained on this website to address individual matters or situations. The contents of this website are not a substitute for the User seeking professional advice from a source that is informed about the User’s factual situation or circumstances.

All information on this website is provided by Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC “as is” with no guarantees or accuracy, completeness or timeliness, and without warrantees of any kind, whether express or implied. Further, Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC does not guarantee that the website will be uninterrupted, error-free, omission-free, or free of viruses. Accordingly, Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC disclaims all warrantees and obligations regarding this website or any links or content accessed through this website, including, but not limited to, all implied warranties and obligations of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement of third-party rights. Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC, any of its affiliates, shareholders, directors, employees, and agents are not liable in any event for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, consequential or any other damages without regard to the form of any action, including, but not limited to, contract, negligence, or other tort claims arising out of or in connection with this website or any content on it.

Our website contains links to other sites not controlled, owned, or managed by Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC. All links to third-party websites are provided as a convenience to Users. Our decision to link to a third-party website is not an endorsement of the content or services in that linked third-party website. Gray Shadow Financial Services, LLC is not responsible for content or privacy policies of any third-party material that can be accessed through this website.

Guiding Principles

We work with you, the client, to determine exactly what your needs and expectations are.


All services are provided in a timely, efficient manner, according to established timelines, so that you can plan accordingly.


This virtue may be described as a principle of consistent actions, values, methods, expectations, and outcomes.

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